For the rockgarden.
V-VII, Z5-9, 25 cm.
Rock rose, white felt-like foliage, white blossom racemes, unpretentious.

Homeland - western and southwestern regions of Europe, Asia Minor.
Perennial, semi-shrub plant, 20-25 cm tall. Leaves lanceolate, pubescent below.
The flowers are white, up to 2 cm in diameter, in racemose inflorescences. Blossoms in May-June 30-35 days. Winters without shelter. Z5-9.
Soil: unpretentious, can grow on poor sandy soils.
Care: cut off after flowering so that the shoots that grow again are stronger.
Reproduction: cuttings. Division and transplantation are poorly tolerated. Can be propagated by seeds.
Sow seedlings in March or in the ground in late April-early May. The optimum temperature for germination is +10+20 °C. They rise slowly and unevenly.
Seedlings are planted in a permanent place with a clod of earth in June in increments of 30 cm. Plants sown in the ground are thinned out.
Cuttings are cut in June and first placed in a greenhouse or under glass. They are transferred to a permanent place for the next year.
Usage: for rocky hills, landscaping of slopes and screes, as a border plant.
Frostweed. White rock rose. Нelianthemum apenninum.